University of Illinois System

Requesting or Deleting User Access

To request or delete Data Warehouse access for a user:

  1. Connect to the Unit Security Contact (USC) Application
  2. Complete and submit the form on-line, paying special attention to the Data Desired and Access Roles section

    1. See step-by-step instructions for completing the form
    2. Get detailed information about Data Warehouse Access Roles
  3. If you are requesting access to Student data for any user, the user must have completed the federally mandated FERPA training as outlined by University policy.  As the USC, you will be required to certify that the user has completed this training on the Data Warehouse Access Request form. FERPA training is administered by each campus OAR office.
  4. Decision Support processes access requests within 5 to 7 business days.  Users and USCs will be notified via email when access has been granted or changed.  
  5. Access to the Data Warehouse does not imply automatic access to corresponding Standard Reports.  Data Warehouse access is only for access to create custom reports using the Data Warehouse database.

Requesting Application Accounts

What is an Application Account?

Application accounts are defined as logons designated for a computer application or group of applications. They are often needed in units where a scheduled application retrieves data from the Data Warehouse.  In many cases, there are multiple technical staff supporting the application. Use of individual logons in these situations involves sharing personal logon, in violation of University policy; therefore, Application Accounts should be requested.

For more detailed information about Application Accounts, see the " Application Accounts & the Data Warehouse" document.

How Do I Request an Application Account?

To request an application account for your department or unit, use the Unit Security Contact (USC) Application.  On the landing page, you'll find two options for requesting application account access. Choose the correct form based on your need:

  • For changes to an existing account, select the "Modify Account" form.
  • To create a new account, select the "New Account" form.

Requesting OLAP Cube Access

Gaining access to an OLAP Cube requires a specific request. Users do not automatically have access to OLAP Cubes. To gain access to an OLAP Cube, the user must contact his or her Unit Security Contact (USC), who may then submit a request specifically for connecting to the cube(s).

The USC must request access to the specific OLAP Cube(s) in which the user is interested (e.g., Expense Trends, Headcout FTE, Student Registration Analysis) through the Unit Security Contact (USC) Application.

  • If the user does not have access to the underlying subject area, the USC must also request access to it.

Check User or Dept. Access

To check the access of an individual user use the Unit Security Contact (USC) Application. Choose the "View Access Requests" option. Note that this list does not necessarily show what access the employee has; just the requests that were submitted.  The most reliable way for a USC to see current access is to use the USC Standard Report in EDDIE – Data Access for Users in Orgs of USC.

Requesting Standard Report Access

Data Warehouse access does not provide you with access to standard, pre-developed custom reports, or access to the Banner system. Access to standard, pre-developed reports in EDDIE/InfoView or View Direct is requested by Unit Security Contacts (USC) through the AITS Security team. Users should contact their USC to request standard report access, and USCs should submit report access requests via AITS Security Application.