Standard Services
AITS offers additional Server Support and Workstation Support to University organizations for a fee.
Both of these services are offered through a standard Service Level Agreement (SLA) that outlines service levels and responsibilities. For pricing information, please see the standard service pricing page. The SLA and related pricing may be customized to fit the unique needs of your organization.
For further information or to request any service, please contact the AITS Service Desk. A service representative will contact you to discuss your needs.
Service Catalog
The full set of services that AITS performs for the University is documented in the Service Catalog. This catalog was created to provide a more complete view of AITS work provided as part of normal operations. Most of the services documented in the catalog support the University of Illinois enterprise as a whole. As such, not all of the services in the service catalog are available for separate purchase by departments.
Application Services
- Application Administration: AITS provides hosting, maintenance, application upgrades, 24 x 7 monitoring, and support services to University of Illinois. This service follows industry best practices for the support and maintenance of complex, multi-tiered enterprise applications.
- Application Development: AITS develops and maintains batch, web and mobile applications and application integrations for University of Illinois System. The service provides consulting and application development services that leverage best practices as well as a defined software development life cycle (SDLC) methodology. This service is requested through the Enterprise Systems Governance Committee (ESGC). For more information, please see the ESGC Project Submissions page on the ESGC website.
- Quality Assurance Testing: The AITS Quality Assurance team provides a variety of website, mobile, and tablet application testing services at the University of Illinois System. This service provides accessibility testing, manual functional testing, automated regression testing, compatibility testing, performance testing, and vulnerability testing.
- Service Desk: Provides Tier I and Tier II customer service and direct user support to the University of Illinois community in support of administrative information technology solutions.
- Distributed Hosting: AITS offers reliable, monitored, secure, and managed hosting solutions for University applications. This distributed hosting service includes multiple, redundant, and diverse high-speed Internet connections, security systems and procedures, cooling and environmental systems, and redundant power at our production datacenter.
- Document Management: The Document Management service provides document and image management storage, retrieval, 24 x 7 monitoring, and support services to University of Illinois clients.
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): AITS provides and maintains an EAI structure which provides linkages between existing applications and data. This structure allows for integrations without requiring sweeping changes to existing applications or data structures.
- Enterprise Batch Scheduling: AITS offers automatic and manual execution for all administrative batch processes, with event-driven process scheduling, a testing environment, and email notifications.
- Integration Services: Application Integration Services are offered to make Enterprise data available to applications via web services, messaging, file transfer, or other supported programming interface. This service allows departmental or vended applications to integrate with enterprise data on a secure, consistent, and supported basis.
- Source Code Version Control: AITS manages a versioning system for its own source code and offers this as a service to the University community upon request.
- Web Content Management System (WCMS): Web Content Management System (WCMS) is used to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of Web material (HTML documents and their associated images). This system facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and many essential Web maintenance functions through a user friendly interface. The software provides authoring (and other) tools designed to allow users with little or no knowledge of programming or markup languages to create and manage content with relative ease of use.
Professional Services
- Business Process Improvement Shared Services: The University of Illinois Business Process Improvement (BPI) Shared Service can help units solve problems by facilitating process improvement projects using Lean Methodology. Outside of project-based work, the BPI Shared Service can also help units to solve their own problems through training on the concepts and tools.
- Change Management Service: AITS uses a mature change management processes to ensure the efficient and prompt handling of all changes to controlled IT infrastructure and to minimize the number and impact of any related incidents to service.
- Database Services: AITS provides hosting and operational support for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. We ensure that customer databases are protected through our backup and recovery procedures, provide a secure database environment, and have tools for database performance monitoring if needed. We require that clients remain on supported versions of the database software and perform upgrades regularly.
- Decision Support: DS supports the University by managing the data warehouse, providing data access, supporting staff report development and providing data education and training.
- FormBuilder/Banner Workflow: FormBuilder and Banner Workflow are enterprise process automation services available to UI System departments for automating event registration and paper based business processes by creating workflows with online forms, routing, notification, approval, and reporting.
- IT Portfolio Management: AITS provides portfolio management in support of the Enterprise Systems Governance Committee and for AITS-led projects. This includes portfolio management as well as expert advice, formal education, extensive documentation, and personal instruction on the underlying theories and concepts of project and portfolio management and the use of the supporting software tool to assist in the management of IT investments over their life cycle.
- KnowledgeBase (KB): The KnowledgeBase (KB) is a platform for easily creating, displaying, sharing, and managing web-based knowledge documents. It is designed to provide constituents within the University of Illinois with a central location for storing and maintaining knowledge. The KnowledgeBase empowers end users to easily locate information for themselves online. It also allows partners to create, categorize, and maintain that knowledge easily. The KB contains a wide variety of searchable information, including technical documents, directions, policies, and procedures.
- Release Management: AITS uses a mature release management process to plan the rollout of software, design and implement procedures for changes to IT systems, communicate with the university community, and control the distribution and installation of changes to IT systems. AITS provides this service to the University of Illinois, but offers this process to the university departments upon request.
Network Services
- Backup Management: This service provides backups of the servers supported by AITS. Through the use of advanced technology, this service provides scalable, reliable, and fault tolerant solutions for managing backup data for client systems and applications and allowing them to restore data when needed. AITS performs incremental daily backups and full weekly backups of data to an offsite location, ensuring that data can be restored when needed.
- Storage Management: AITS provides scalable, reliable, and fault tolerant storage solutions aimed at providing the highest availability to end users.
- System Monitoring, Alerting and Availability: The System Monitoring, Alerting and Availability Service provides a 24x7 watchful eye on critical business services as well as the means to provide real time alerting capabilities in the event a system becomes unavailable. AITS has an assortment of system, network and application monitoring tools to provide a customized monitoring solution to meet the needs for the business requirements.
Security and Access Services
- Authentication and Authorization Services: This service provides single sign-on authentication, authorization, and session management for many of the web applications and other systems. It allows applications to authenticate and authorize users in a consistent fashion and without maintaining application specific repositories for this purpose. Authentication and authorization work and project requests may be submitted to Enterprise Systems Governance Committee (ESGC). For more information, please see the ESGC Project Submissions page on the ESGC website.
- Directory Services: AITS hosts and manages an enterprise directory (LDAP) for authentication and authorization services.
For further information or to request a service, contact the AITS Service Desk