University of Illinois System
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Business Applications

Business applications are applications that address a specific business function supporting the strategic goals of the University. These systems can be developed or purchased by the University, AITS, or a departmental partner. There are over 300 business applications that are developed, maintained, and/or hosted by AITS. They are organized in the listing below into the following categories:

  • Reporting: Reports created and maintained by AITS for faculty and staff
  • Applications and Supported Systems: Systems developed by various parties that are hosted and/or maintained by AITS
  • Website: Websites maintained by AITS to communicate system status, project information, and services

Please note that these systems could be affected by a Banner outage.

System Name Category Description
Academic Vacation and Sick Leave (AVSL) Application This system is a University wide web-based Academic Vacation Sick Leave (AVSL) reporting tool that allows for daily leave tracking, routing and approvals, forecasting, leave summaries, and reporting for AVSL accruals, usage, and balances that will feed directly to Banner. This tool is used directly by Academic Professionals, Faculty, Graduate Assistants, Other Academics, Post-Doc/Pre-Doc Research Associates/Interns or central user to report leave time, then route to departmental administrators for review and approval. Academic Vacation Sick Leave is an application developed by NCSA which is now maintained by Decision Support and in use in most UA departments.
AITS External Website Website This site provides system status, a list of AITS services, project information, access to the Service Desk, and access to Enterprise Applications. This website is primarily used by AITS clients.
Altiris Application The Altiris Notification System is an application primarily used for inventory capture and asset management. Altiris captures information through a client or through external feeds. This information is fed to the Notification Server and becomes part of the Inventory Solution database. The Altiris Asset Manager contains information for computers, monitors, software, furniture, phones, and network components.
Clarity Application Clarity is a Project Portfolio Management system used to manage and report on projects and portfolios. It has a number of integrated modules including project management, program management, portfolio management, demand management and financial management.
Codebook Application This application supports the maintenance of the official University of Illinois codes, such as organizational codes and degree program codes as well as the coding structure and relationships among the codes.
Contract Documents System (CDS) Application Contract Documents System (CDS) enables the creation and review of standard contract documents for University of Illinois capital projects by university personnel and professional services consultants.
Contractor Annual Prequalification (CAPS) Application Contractor Annual Prequalification System (CAPS) allows prequalification of contractors interested in competitively bidding on a University of Illinois project. This is an OCP application.
Course Applicability System (CAS) Application The Course Applicability System (CAS) is an electronic advising system intended primarily for potential transfer students. Using the World Wide Web, CAS provides consistent and up-to-date information about degree requirements to students, advisors, faculty, and administrators. CAS allows a user to view Course Equivalency Guides, Academic Programs, Course Descriptions, Transfer Course Evaluations, and Planning Guides. The vendor name of this application is uSelect.
CVS Web Web Site The CVS Web interface is a read-only interface that allows users to browse the CVS hierarchy using a web browser.
Desire2Learn Application Desire2Learn provides a user-centric, web-based platform for the delivery of online teaching and learning.
Diplomatic-Departmental Distinctions Application This system generates diploma files with departmental distinctions for diploma creation.
Elluminate Application Elluminate is a real-time online learning and collaboration tool.
Enterprise Applications Web Pages Web Site Web site for Banner and other enterprise applications
Enterprise Data Delivery Information Environment (EDDIE) Application The University of Illinois Enterprise Data Delivery Information Environment (EDDIE) system is a BusinessObjects environment for delivery of query, analysis, and reporting. Through EDDIE, one can retrieve, view, print, and customize reports.
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) Application Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is a custom developed warehouse for standard reports as well as ad-hoc end user queries and data extractions.
ESGC Web Site Web Site This is a web site to support the ESGC processes:
FCPWeb Application FCPWeb is a custom front end web application for users of the FAMIS system to perform daily operations and work. This system is used as a custom replacement for the front end delivered by the vendor.
FinAid Reports Reporting This is a collection of various reports written in Business Objects, SAS or java. It is used by campus Financial Aid departments for various operational and oversight purposes.
Finance Reports Reporting This is a collection of various reports written in Business Objects, SAS or java. It is used by OBFS and other accounting departments for various operational and oversight purposes.
Grant Loader Application This is a messaging Web App which allows Finance to load approved grants from InfoEd
HireTouch Application HireTouch is an easy-to-use, Web-based Applicant Tracking System that allows users to easily post positions online and efficiently track candidates throughout the entire hiring process.
History Makers Application History Makers is an academic application used to store and retrieve African American oral histories.
HR Reports Reporting This is a collection of various reports written in Business Objects, SAS or java. It is used by HR departments for various operational and oversight purposes.
i-card Application The i-card is the official University of Illinois identification card, providing access to facilities and academic services across campus to eligible students, faculty, and staff. i-card programs coordinates identification card programs and services on all three campuses and plays a vital role in supporting card production at the campus ID Centers. i-card programs also serve the University community by providing programs, applications, services, badges, and data to qualifying units.
InfoEd (UI eRA GMS) Application The InfoEd Electronic Proposal Development and Award Tracking system supports the development/preparation, internal approval routing, tracking, and reporting of all application award information of University research proposals
ITD Processes Application This is a datamart created in the Banner database to better track inception to date balances for recurring funds such as Grants and Contracts. It is used for operational and ad-hoc reporting.
Luminis Application SunGard Luminis Platform is the university purchased portal system.
Mobius View Application

Mobius View is a content management and presentation system which houses output from various enterprise reports and system spooled output. This content is indexed and maintained within Mobius View and access is provided based upon user defined security roles.

PANDA Application PANDA is an online application to apply for employment. It also queries banner for employee biographic and demographic data.
Payroll History Database/
Change of Status (PHD/COS)
Reporting This application provides access to the legacy payroll data that was moved off the mainframe.
PEAR (Protected Email Attachment Repository) Application Protected Email Attachment Repository (PEAR) is an application that provides a secure facility to send email and attachments that are sensitive and require a high degree of confidentiality. Emails that include passwords are sent via the PEAR facility.
Personnel Registry Management System (PRMS) Application The purpose of the Personnel Registry Management System (PRMS) application is to enter and maintain Civil Service applicants, requisitions, exams, and registers for the employment offices of the University of Illinois.
Proficiency and Placement (PNP) Application The Proficiency and Placement System holds the results of proficiency and placement testing that occurs on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Based upon this testing students gain advancement placement and/or credit for certain courses.
PRZM Application PRZM is a comprehensive web based capital project management and collaboration tool and is used by all university campus construction units, professional services firms and contractors involved in the University's capital delivery process.
Research Information Support and Communication (RISC) Application The Research Information Support and Communication system was developed by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research in Chicago. It tracks research project protocols for human subject research.
Security Application Application This is an in-house developed system that tracks security requests for access to the Banner system and reports.
SharePoint Application Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013 is a new server program that is part of the 2013 Microsoft Office system. Your organization can use Office SharePoint Server 2013 to facilitate collaboration, provide content management features, implement business processes, and supply access to information that is essential to organizational goals and processes.
Student Reports and Letters Reporting This is a collection of various reports and letter extract files written in Business Objects, SAS or java. It is used by campus admissions departments for various operational and oversight purposes.
Talisma Application Talisma is a Customer Relationship Management product and used by Urbana Undergraduate Admissions to track student recruits and applicants.
Test Based Credit/Transfer Credit Extract (TBC/TCE) Application This system evaluates test scores for an individual student and awards credit based on determined rules.
Unicenter Service Desk Application Unicenter Service Desk, an advanced tool for delivering user support services in heterogeneous UNIX and Windows computing environments. Unicenter Service Desk is a comprehensive, integrated solution for the automation and management of both external (customer support) and internal (enterprise service center management) service desks.
uPortal Application uPortal is a Java-based framework for creating web portals for educational institutions. uPortal is open source under a BSD-style license.



Upside is a contract management product used by UOFPP.