University of Illinois System

Student Listing by Attribute at Census


Listing of Students by Attribute for a Census Code (i.e., James Scholars at CN - Census)


This report creates a list of students as of a Census date (i.e., Census - 10th Day) who meet/possess a specific attribute (i.e., James Scholars). The report lists results by student UIN, name, academic program, and major.


EDW - STU - Registration Census

Data Rules to understand when using this report:

  • The data included in Registration Census is “FROZEN” data which mean the data is not updated once it has been captured on the specified census dates provided by each campus’ OAR offices.
  • This report uses Student Attribute Descriptions as the “condition”. To change the report to use Student Attribute Codes, simply select Student Attribute Description, double click Student Attribute Code, change the values in the prompt box to CODES and click OK to run the updated report.
  • When creating lists of students you must ALWAYS include the Person Confidentiality Indicator for FERPA restrictions. Consult your campus OAR office for FERPA policy and guidelines.

Sample Report
