University of Illinois System
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Report Developer Responsibilities

Your access to the data in the Data Warehouse has been granted based on business need, and it is your responsibility to ensure the information you access is used appropriately.

Here are some reminders of good data stewardship to help you carry out your responsibility:

  • Do not share your passwords or store them in an unsecured manner. Do not leave your workstation unattended while logged on to administrative information systems. You are responsible for any activity that occurs using your logon ID.
  • Do not share confidential and sensitive information with anyone, including colleagues, unless there is a business reason and they are an authorized viewer of the data.
  • Retrieve printed reports quickly, and do not leave the reports lying around in plain view.
  • Secure reports containing confidential and sensitive information (e.g., FERPA, EEO, or HIPAA protected data).
    • Regarding FERPA, the University of Illinois maintains individual records and information about students for the purpose of providing educational, vocational, and personal services to its students. It is University policy to comply fully with federal statutes and regulations regarding the confidentiality of student educational records. As required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, University policy outlines procedures covering the privacy rights of students. The policy is intended to ensure the confidentiality of student education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data. For additional information, review the entire University FERPA policy , or find out how you can complete required FERPA training.
    • For more information about the University policies governing data security and privacy, review the entire University of Illinois Information Security Policy.
  • Always use the Confidentiality Indicator object/column when reporting on Student information for public distribution to ensure that FERPA sensitive information is excluded from your report where appropriate.
  • Do not include UIN or SSN whenever possible. This practice will mitigate the risk that sensitive personal information may be improperly distributed. For more information about the University policies governing use of and access to Social Security Number and University ID Number information, see the University's SSN website.
  • Shred the reports in a timely manner if they contain confidential or sensitive information.
  • Be aware of Human Subjects data confidentiality. Specifically, Finance Accounts Payable data contains confidential information on payments to human subjects along with information on research topics. Retrieve reports quickly, shred unneeded paper reports and only provide appropriate access to the information.
  • Please note that the security state of the data 'travels' with the data. That is, data that is highly restricted in a system like Banner or the Data Warehouse is just as confidential when it is used downstream in a report, backend database, or local application. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of data in reports or systems you create and manage.