University of Illinois System
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The RIMS team is involved in numerous long-term and short-term projects on all campuses. The projects listed below are some of these endeavors. Each individual project page provides information about the details and purpose of each project. This page is updated as projects are started, progressed, or completed.

Current Projects


Combined Records Retention Schedule

At the suggestion of the Illinois State Archives, RIMS is developing a combined records retention schedule, which will include all its existing functional records retention schedules (Administrative, Business and Financial, Human Resources, etc.), but in one combined schedule. The benefit of such a schedule is the ability to make and receive approval for small changes more efficiently, as opposed to submitting to the State updates for one functional retention schedule at a time. RIMS expects to submit a draft to the State Records Commission for review and revision by Spring 2023.

Completed Projects

iPRES 2023

The 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was hosted by the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign September 19-23. RIMS member Brent West successfully worked with local, university, and conference stakeholders to bring the conference to Champaign-Urbana.

For more details and up-to-date information check the conference webpage.

Validating Adobe Sign for FDA Compliance

Since its implementation in April 2020, the University system’s electronic signature solution, Adobe Sign, has been used by thousands of people to collect signatures on over 100,000 documents ranging from offer letters for new hires to course agreements for student projects. To support the needs of biomedical researchers, RIMS leadia project to validate Adobe Sign for compliance with Title 21 CFR Part 11 governing the use of electronic signatures, as required by FDA regulations. Researchers used to have to complete various forms, including written informed consent documents and new drug applications, with handwritten signatures. This was inefficient, and impractical in some cases, as research is conducted in various clinical and remote settings. This project is funded by the UIC Office for the Vice Chancellor for Research, and was completed in September of 2023.

Information Technology Data Management Plan

Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) is championing an IT Data Management Plan. This effort will reduce risk and support the secure use and handling of all University administrative data, Information Technology (IT) artifacts, computer systems, and computer equipment.  The guidelines in this plan are consistent with those provided by cyber security professionals industrywide and in accordance with the University of Illinois System Information Security Standards, the State of Illinois' Department of Innovation & Technology - Enterprise Information Security Policy and the practices of higher education peer institutions.

Non-Exhaustive Catalog of IT Systems and Services

RIMS has created a non-exhaustive list of systems and services where data is accessed and/or stored, the purpose of which is to provide a syndicated resource where staff can share, edit, and identify areas where data can be consumed and protected. View the project here.

Processing Capstone Email Using Predictive Coding

The Illinois State Archives, in partnership with the University of Illinois and with three-year funding offered by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) launched a project called: Processing Capstone Email Using Predictive Coding (a.k.a. the Capstone Email Project). The project sought to develop and demonstrate a reliable and sustainable method of identifying and providing appropriate access to the email messages of state agencies that have enduring value. Following the lead of the National Archives and Records Administration, we began using a Capstone approach to identify email messages with enduring value. Once the email was secured, the project worked with experts in the areas of text analytics and electronic discovery to explore tools that use technology-assisted review techniques (predictive coding in particular) for the purposes of parsing and classifying the email. The tools will assist in identifying and prioritizing review of sensitive content, in generating descriptive metadata, aggregating email threads, identifying near-duplicates, and providing for some level of automatic appraisal and redaction. It will conduct batch processing of email so it may be ingested into a digital repository. From there, the email can be made available for public access through in-person access to an offline computer terminal. The original project website can be viewed here.


RIMS News and Achievements

Newsletter Archive

RIMS publishes a brief newsletter twice per academic year, at the start of the Fall and Spring semesters. If you'd like to sign up to receive the newsletter and other RIMS-related information, we encourage you to subscribe.

News and Achievements


Staff Changes

In late 2023 Joanne Kaczmarek assumed the position of University Archivist for the University of Illinois. Joanne will be shifting to an advisory role for RIMs. RIMs will now directed by Brent West, who has received a promotion to Associate Director for Information Governance and Strategic Initiatives. We congratulate both of our colleagues on their new roles.



RIMS Annual Report FY23 Published

RIMS has published its FY23 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY23.

IPRES 2023

IPRES 2023 was a resounding success. RIMS member Brent West, along with other univeristy stakeholders, hosted a well attended and successful conference. The conference featured presentors from all over the world and featured hybrid panels and workshops over the course of the week. More informationation can be found here.

RIMS Updates Website

At the end of FY2023 Records and Information Services has updated their website. The website has been reformated and updated. These changes are intended to increase accessibility, standardize formatting, and create a more streamlined web experience.

RIMS Welcomes New Staff Members

During 2023 Records and Information Services added two new staff members:

G Mast joined us in January 2023. G has a Master’s in Information Science from University of Texas at Austin and a background in education.  G is detail oriented and process focused. G has a strong knowledge of building education and training materials.

Andrew Thompson joined us in February 2023. Andrew received his Master’s of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Andrew’s background is in government and university archives.


Completed Updated Human Resources Records Retention Schedule

RIMS continued to work with subject matter experts and the State of Illinois Records Commission to refine our records retention schedule related to human resources functions. In the Spring of 2022 approval was given to changes made to align with updated regulatory requirements and to clarify categories of records which will help units streamline their records management and disposal practices.

Updated Email Management Online Training Module

During FY22, RIMS revamped our popular Email Management training module to include information about how to build workflows and inbox rules. This new module also provides tips for filing, searching, and disposing of email.

Initiated Adobe Sign Validation Project

RIMS staff began the Adobe Sign Validation project that will establish Adobe Sign as an approved electronic signature tool that can be used by biomedical researchers at the University of Illinois.

Transitioning UIC Records Storage Support

This year RIMS stopped accepting deposits of paper records into the Laflin warehouse and began establishing a protocol for working with Iron Mountain. This move is ahead of the anticipated closing of the warehouse in 2023.

RIMS Annual Report FY22 Published

RIMS has published its FY22 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY22.


Expedited roll out of Adobe Sign with onset of Covid

Throughout FY21, RIMS staff lead the development of training and support for Adobe Sign users and provided on-demand tutorials and demos. As remote work became the norm, staff guided trouble shooting responses and efforts to expand the use of the tool more broadly, including making improvements to onboarding and customizing workflows to support automating Payables forms.

Updating Human Resources Records Retention Schedule

RIMS staff began a project focused on updates to the HR Records Retention Schedule, navigating the challenges of remoteonly meetings with 20+ stakeholders across all three universities and the System offices and with persons from the Illinois State Archives. At the close of FY21, the updates are nearly complete, with a stamp of approval from the State expected during the first quarter of FY22.

RIMS Annual Report FY21 Published

RIMS has published its FY21 annual report, summarizing the goals and activites of the RIMS office for FY21.


RIMS Publishes "Working Remotely with Records" Guidance

RIMS has published a new guidance document on "Working Remotely with Records".

RIMS Annual Report FY20 Published

RIMS has published its FY20 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY20 and outlining expected priorities for FY21.

RIMS Fall 2020 Newsletter Released

RIMS has published its Fall 2020 newsletter.


RIMS Publishes New Communication: "Managing Orphaned Digital Content"

RIMS has collaborated with the Orphaned Data Task Force to produce this communication. Read it here.

RIMS Annual Report FY19 Completed

RIMS has published its FY19 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY19 and outlining expected priorities for FY20.

Laflin Warehouse in Chicago increases capacity and adds new shelving

8/19/2019: The RIMS team in Chicago has been hard at work; had new shelving installed at the Laflin Warehouse to increase its storage capacity from 4300 to 5800 records storage boxes. They have also just completed a records disposal project to clear more shelves for incoming records. We currently house over 3100 records boxes at this warehouse.”


New RIMS Training Available


Records Management 101 Course RIMS has published a new video-based course titled "Records Management 101" that covers basic concepts in records management. Closed captioning and downloadable scripts also available.

RIMS Presents at SAA and iPRES conferences

 RIMS staff giving a presentation

RIMS participated in presenting at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and the International Digital Preservation (iPRES) conferences in August and September 2018. Both presentations were updates related to the Capstone Email project.

RIMS Annual Report Completed

RIMS has published its FY18 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY18 and outlining expected priorities for FY19.

Processing Capstone Email Project Semi-Annual Report April 2018

RIMS continues work on the the Processing Capstone Email through Predictive Coding project and have published the April 2018 Semi-Annual Report with updates and accomplishments for the project. You can find further information and updates about this project on the project website

iPRES coming to Urbana in 2021

RIMS is partnering with the iSchool and Library to host the International Conference on Digital Preservation in Urbana in 2021.More information coming soon. 


Preserving Email Case Study


RIMS team members Brent West and Joanne Kaczmarek have contributed a case study to the forthcoming update to the popular DPC Technology Watch Report, “Preserving Email.” Read a copy of the paper "Case Study: Processing Capstone Email Using Predictive Coding" here and more about the project as a whole on our project's page here

RIMS assists in securing new shredding vendor

With help from Strategic Procurement Services, RIMS organized a search to secure a compliant, cost-effective vendor for the destruction of information and media materials.  As of April 2018, a contract with Shred-it (from Stericycle) has been fully executed and units can place requisitions referencing University contract number CN-00035989.
The Strategic Procurement Services program leverages the University's collective spending to establish strategic contracts for use across all three (3) University of Illinois campuses. This program works with units to ascertain strategic opportunities, determine the applicability of a contract for purchase, and to address contracted vendor related issues


Welcome Julie Wagner to RIMS


Julie Wagner joined the RIMS team in November 2017 as RIMS Coordinator. Previously, she worked as an Archival Specialist with the Texas Department of State Health Services and oversaw the care and retention of records in the Vital Statistics Unit. She began her career in archives and records with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission where she started as Library Assistant in 2014 and later become a Government Information Analyst in the Local and Government Records Management division. She received her MLIS from the University of North Texas in 2018 and has a BA in International Relations from Hendrix College. In her spare time, Julie enjoys creative writing and spending her time with her pets. 


UIC Records Center is Growing!


As of May 2018, we are now storing over 2,600 records boxes and continuing to grow. Now that we are at 84% of our current capacity, it has forced us to purchase additional shelving, increasing our storage capacity from 3,100 to 4,300 standard records storage boxes. We also purchased a records management system that will help us to manage the UIC Records Center. We continue to offer this service at no cost to University of Illinois departments and colleges. For more information or the process needed to store your records, please contact Bill Herrera at

Bill Herrera Earns Certified Information Professional (CIP) Certification

RIMS team member Bill Herrera at UIC earned his Certified Information Professional (CIP) certification through AIIM in April 2018. The CIP certification is for informational professionals who have shown competency in the broad body of knowledge necessary to be successful in the field. You can learn more about the certification here

RIMS Website Survey

RIMS shares valuable information about records and information management at the University of Illinois on our website. You can help us improve the site by providing your anonymous responses to the short survey. This survey will be available until Friday, March 2, 2018.

RIMS FY17 Annual Report

RIMS has published its FY17 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY17 and outlining expected priorities for FY18.

Swarthmore Recommends RIMS

Swarthmore College, a private liberal arts college located in Pennsylvania, has recently developed a records management program in which they “highly recommend” RIMS resources for their “thorough background on key records management topics and concepts, answers to frequently asked questions, and guidance on tricky issues such as managing email and creating a file plan.”


ARCHIVES 2017 Presentation

RIMS had the opportunity to present on automated archival tools as part of a panel of speakers at the 81st annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) in Portland, Oregon. On behalf of RIMS, Joanne Kaczmarek’s presentation highlighted RIMS’ efforts to leverage predictive coding to identify and prioritize sensitive content within email for review and redaction. These efforts support the ongoing RIMS/Archives Email Preservation Project.

Announcing RIMS Inquiry Ticketing Tool

As of August 1st, the Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) team has incorporated the CA Service Desk Manger (SDM) ticketing system into our day-to-day processes. This will allow us to ensure that RIMS client questions are addressed quickly, efficiently, and uniformly across all three universities and the System Offices. Each contact ticket can be tracked and managed by the RIMS team, as well as by the client who created the ticket. This is the same help desk system that has been in place for other Enterprise solutions. Individuals needing assistance or making an inquiry can email the Records and Information Management Services team (

Welcome Margaret Norman

Margaret Norman

Margaret Norman joined the RIMS team at UIC in July 2017 to provide leadership and expertise in the research, development, and communication of best-practice management and preservation strategies for physical, digitized, and born-digital records maintained for departments across the University. Prior to joining the RIMS team, Margaret worked in project management and records management roles in the financial services industry, specifically having worked in tight partnership with internal business, compliance, and technical teams to develop, implement, and manage electronic document management and records management systems. Margaret has a BS in Business Administration & Marketing from John Carroll University and is a PMP.

2017 IT Pro Forum Participation

Chicago 2017 IT Pro Forum

RIMS once again participated in the Spring 2017 IT Pro Forum for Chicago and Urbana with their newly-designed poster and table banner. The IT Pro Forum format provides an opportunity to engage with IT professionals and offer assistance regarding the management of University records and other departmental information assets.

Email Footprint Challenge Goes to Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), a nationally recognized leader among student aid organizations, reached out to RIMS for guidance on how to conduct an email footprint challenge. With help from Brent West, PHEAA successfully conducted a 2-week challenge during May 2017 resulting in a total reduction in size of their email by over 13%.

Cost-Savings Opportunity in Filling Need for Disposal

During Spring of 2017, RIMS team member Rich Gegg identified a need among University departments for secure disposal of media in all formats. With an eye toward cost savings, Rich has initiated a proposal to seek out strategic vendor relationships with vendors who can provide a variety of media disposal services. The services from these strategic vendors is anticipated to be available by the start of FY18.

Delta Award Recipient

DELTA award ceremony

In March 2017 RIMS team member Brent West received the University of Illinois Delta award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the University during 2016. “This award is designed to recognize individual employees and teams for their exceptional accomplishments, service and dedication to the University.” Congratulations Brent!

Records Retention Schedule Approved

A records retention schedule was approved in March 2017 for records related to the operations of the office of Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) in Urbana, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Access (ODEA) in Chicago, and the Associate Chancellor for Access and Equal Opportunity in Springfield.

UIC Records Center at Laflin Warehouse

Laflin records center

In late 2016, the UIC Records Center space was obtained through the generous approval of the UIC Library Administration. Located within the improved Library space of the Laflin warehouse, it currently has the capacity to hold 3,100 standard records boxes (10”x12”x15”).


As of 8/31/2017, we have 1,551 boxes stored on the shelves, at approximately 50% of our total capacity in this storage location. Even more boxes are on the way from a few departments that are currently boxing and inventorying records. If you know of any departments or colleges that may need records storage at no cost to University of Illinois departments and colleges, please contact Bill Herrera at

FERPA Guidance for VPAA Website

Being compliant with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) involves procedures and practices, not just software configurations. RIMS worked with university registrars and other interested parties to provide clarification around this matter. The results are a guidance document titled: FERPA and Compliance. Because this guidance is applicable to all campuses, the registrars recommended posting it on the website of the Vice President for Academic Affairs under Policies and Procedures.

RIMS Communication 005

Across the University, records and other information assets are routinely retained much longer than required by the State. RIMS Communication 005 articulates the expectation of the RIMS office that if a unit chooses to retain University Records longer than the recommended period of time, they should document this extended retention period and cite a business reason for this extension.


Task Force for the Disposition of Digital Content

A group appointed by the University of Illinois Information Technology Leadership Team (UI IT LT) to assess the current resources for digital storage services held its first meeting in July 2016. This twelve-member team is charged to identify resources, assess current factors impacting disposition of digital content, identify primary use cases, and evaluate mechanisms to address orphaned digital content. The final results should yield recommended retention policies for managing inactive content in digital storage services.

State Government Electronic Records Grant

RIMS is teaming up with the Illinois State Archives (ISA) to explore ways to preserve, and make appropriately accessible, email from the Office of the Governor. A three-year grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) was awarded to the joint proposal submitted by RIMS and the ISA, “Processing Capstone Email Using Predictive Coding.” The grant will support efforts to find practical means of analyzing large quantities of email considered to have long-term value so as to make this content more easily searchable and appropriately accessible. Work on the grant will begin in earnest in September 2016 and run through August 2019.

RIMS FY16 Annual Report

RIMS has published its FY16 annual report, summarizing the goals and activities of the RIMS office in FY16 and outlining expected priorities for FY17.

Additional Records Retention Information Added

Additional records retention information has been added to our website to inform all U of I colleges, departments, and units of the proper time frame to hold onto important records and information regardless of format.

Training Update

Jordan Phoenix, along with other members of the RIMS team, has created informative YouTube videos. A new six-part training module has been added to our Training page.

UIS Records Day

In April, Jordan Phoenix, Brent West, and Rich Gegg spent a day at the University of Illinois at Springfield to train and have one-on-one consultations with members of the UIS community. A lot of good information was exchanged and RIMS was able to make new contacts with units needing assistance.

UIC Bringing Administrators Together (BAT) Conference

In April, Linnea Knapp and Bill Herrera attended the “Ask the Experts” session where we had a RIMS table to provide information about the free services offered and answer many questions. Lots of mini-carts, coasters, postcards, and business cards were distributed. We expect more opportunities to help other areas at UIC.

UIUC Footprint Challenge

In February, RIMS partnered with Technology Services at Illinois to challenge faculty and staff to a friendly competition to see who can create the smallest email footprint. Units cleared out old messages as part of the second annual Email Footprint Challenge. Prizes were awarded to the top individuals and the top department with the greatest reduction to their email footprint. Nearly 575 GB was deleted with almost 1,500 individuals participating. Great job, everyone! For additional information please visit the Footprint Challenge webpage.

One University – One [Revised] Student Records Retention Schedule

RIMS colleague Linnea Knapp facilitated discussions and collaboration between the Registrars and other stake-holder units on all campuses to revise and improve two specific categories of records on the Student Records Retention Schedule: Admissions Records and Academic Records. The enhanced and revised Student Records General Retention Schedule was brought to the State for approval in the fall of 2015. The newly approved Student Records Retention Schedule is now available on our website.

College of Medicine Reclaims Space – Phase II

RIMS is continuing to work with the UIC College of Medicine to help the administration units complete a large scale reorganization of storage space and records inventory. Phase I of the project focused on the sorting and organization of more than 500 cubic feet of HR and financial records. In Phase II, RIMS colleagues Linnea Knapp and Bill Herrera are facilitating work to gain intellectual and physical controls over more than 400 cubic feet of Student Academic Records.

Website Updated to Match Updated Retention Schedules

To better accommodate the growing number of State-approved Retention Schedules available for reference on the RIMS website, RIMS colleague Kate Techtow has re-vamped the structure of the Retention Schedule section of the site. Look for a new and easier-to-follow format for the document lists and centralized information about the development and purpose of the Retention Schedules.

Processing Capstone Email Using Predictive Coding

RIMS had the opportunity to present at the 10th annual Best Practices Exchange (BPE) conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. On behalf of RIMS, Brent West’s presentation highlighted RIMS’ goal to leverage predictive coding to identify and prioritize sensitive content within email for review and redaction. This goal is intended support the ongoing RIMS/Archives Email Preservation Project.

2015 Award for Communications and Marketing Excellence (ACME)


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s office of Public Affairs gave the Innovation in Marketing award as part of the 2015 ACME event to Jordan Phoenix for his work on the RIMS’ “Menacing Email” monster series. This award highlights the use of innovation to promote an understanding of the services of the Records and Information Management Services office.

>1,280 Square Feet Recovered

In Chicago, RIMS has been working with over 30 departments storing records in the Laflin Warehouse to clear out materials no longer needed. So far, over 1,280 square feet of floor space has been reclaimed. This space recovery effort has been spearheaded by RIMS colleague Bill Herrera and his project team members.

Managing your Email at the University of Illinois

Recent events have again called attention to email and its appropriate use. Here is some quick guidance for managing email:
1. File It
If your messages relate to University issues, policies, procedures, takes action, gives guidance, provides important background info on University decisions, or if you are unsure, file it in an appropriate and secure system outside the email system. (Senior Administrators have a responsibility to work with the University Archivists through the Email Preservation Project to preserve their historically significant messages.)
2. Delete it
If your messages relate to things like meeting invitations, appointment confirmations, personal exchanges, broadcast messages, junk mail and SPAM, delete it as soon as it is no longer needed.

 pyramid of information

Remember: University email systems are not intended to be record-keeping systems. In some instances, email messages and/or their attachments should be treated as University Records and stored in an appropriate and secure system outside of the email system. Delete non-record messages when they are no longer necessary. (The typical University employee’s inbox contains an estimated 90% non-record messages.)

If you require assistance in determining what is or is not a University record and how and when to transfer those records out of an email system, contact the RIMS office.

Reducing our Information Footprint

During the end of 2014 and the start of 2015 the Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) office worked with staff across the University to help lead the three different Information Footprint Challenges (IFC). Each IFC was a challenge to faculty and staff to reduce the amount of space taken up by the documents and communications they create and store.

The Springfield and Urbana-Champaign universities participated in month-long Email Footprint Challenges. Information Technology Services (ITS) at UIS and Technology Services at UIUC challenged faculty and staff at their respective universities to clean up and clear out their email by deleting old and unnecessary messages. In addition to the two Information Footprint Challenges, each unit of the Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS), across all campuses, competed in the 4th Annual IFC to see which unit could have the greatest reduction in their overall information footprint.

These challenges serve to encourage routine, appropriate disposal of emails and documents while creating friendly competition and excitement for this important area of records and information management.

One University – One Student Records Retention Schedule

Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) colleague, Linnea Knapp, worked to consolidate almost 300 disparate student related records series from almost 80 individual retention schedules into one General Student Records Retention Schedule. This general schedule was approved by the State Records Commission in September 2013. Approval of the Student Records General Retention Schedule has prompted various University stakeholders to take a closer look at two specific categories of records, Admissions Records and Academic Records. Linnea is now facilitating on-going discussions and collaboration between the Registrars from all campuses in order to review and revise the retention guidelines for Admission Records and Academic Records.

The RIMS team hopes to bring the enhanced Student Records General Retention Schedule to the State for approval in the fall of 2014.

RIMS contributes to EDUCAUSE

In April 2014, Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) colleague, Joanne Kaczmarek, published an EDUCAUSE Research Bulletin, Supporting Information Governance through Records and Information Management. This paper explains that the expanding scope of IT initiatives in higher education institutions now goes well beyond basic desktop and enterprise applications, many aspects of which are often found in a records and information management (RIM) program, but not all colleges and universities have such programs. It further explains how information governance is at the core of a RIM program and how IT interests in information governance can be better supported by having a RIM program. Joanne describes how the University of Illinois embedded a RIM program in the Office of the CIO, with close bonds to the university archivists, and how this arrangement benefits both information governance and the academic mission of the institution.

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology.

College of Medicine Reclaims Space

The Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) program is continuing their work with the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Medicine to help the college's administration units complete a large scale reorganization of storage space and records inventory. With the aid of RIMS colleagues Linnea Knapp and Bill Herrera, the College has sorted through seven (7) different unit offices and more than 700 cubic feet of paper.

In addition, more than 12 cubic feet of material deemed to be records of enduring value to the University have been identified and will be transferred and cataloged in the University Archives for permanent retention. While finding these records helps ensure institutional memory is retained, an equally valuable result of this effort is the reclamation of space. The next phase of the project has begun and RIMS is working closely with the Registrar’s office in order to focus on the retention of Student Academic Records.

Preserving the Legacy: Email Messages of Enduring Value

To help ensure that correspondence of senior administrators with ongoing administrative, cultural, and historic value is not lost, the Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) team has collaborated with the University Archives over the past year to identify the workflow, access, and system requirements for email preservation. RIMS colleague Brent West, as well as other RIMS team members, met with representatives of the University senior administrators, IT, faculty, and others in an ongoing effort to ensure that management of email correspondence proceeds thoughtfully and with careful consideration of the sensitive matters that may be discussed within email. The RIMS team is preparing to oversee a pilot project in FY15 to further develop a long-term sustainable plan to support the preservation of this email. Doing so will ensure that the University’s impact and significance will long be remembered and that the University of Illinois legacy will exist for our alumni and friends.

University of Illinois Contributes to International Standards

Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) colleague, Richard Gegg, was nominated and approved to serve as a delegate at the International Standards Organization (ISO) Plenary meeting held in May 2014 in Washington DC. This was the first time in over a decade that the United States was the host country for the ISO Technical Committee on Information and Documentation (ISO TC 46). Rich specifically served on the Ad hoc group 1 - Records management in relation to enterprise architecture and also had the opportunity to make contributions to the discussions of working groups on Metadata, Fundamentals and Vocabulary, and Management Systems for Records.

Rich’s Ad hoc group committed to develop and circulate a discussion paper for Records Management in Enterprise Architecture Services by March 2015 and proposed a new Working Group on the same topic for consideration at the Plenary meeting in Beijing in 2015. The ISO members were happy to have a practitioner contributing to discussions and asked Rich to also participate in a working group to extend the well-recognized ISO Records Management Standard (ISO 15489-1) to provide guidance for hybrid (physical and digital) records environments.