University of Illinois System
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Executing, Monitoring, and Controlling

The executing, monitoring, and controlling phases of the project management lifecycle consists of completing and managing the work required to meet the project objectives. This phase also ensures that the project performance is monitored and adjustments to the project schedule are made as needed.

Activity Description Inputs Outputs Owner Notes and Resources
Manage and track decisions The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that decisions that need to be made are made before they impact the project and that the decisions are placed in the repository of record for future reference.  This is especially important for projects that have a long duration or high turnover as this mitigates the likelihood of rehashing decisions that were made early in the project.  When a decision is recorded the following information is recommended: Date of decision, description of trigger and final decision made by the project team. Discussion from project team Project decision tracking log

Project Manager

Maintaining a decision tracking log is an optional activity. A sample decision log is available.

Project change management The project charter defines the project change management process that will be used to manage significant changes to the project scope, budget, or schedule.   During the monitoring and controlling phase, this process must be executed. Project change request form and log Project change Project Manager and Project Sponsor   sample change request form and log are available.
Manage and track action items The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that tasks too small to appear in the project schedule are recorded and completed. Project action items Updated action items list and completed task Project Manager A sample action items tracking workbook is available.
Execute and revise communication plan The various forums and communication mechanisms identified in the communication plan continue to be performed as the project progresses.  As the project moves into new phases, additional types of communication activities may become necessary and activities previously done may need to evolve or be eliminated as participants change or the project focus shifts Project communication plan Project communication log (optional)

Resulting project communication plan changes 
Project Manager and Communications Lead  
Execute and revise project schedule Keep the project schedule updated by obtaining status on project tasks and updating those tasks in the project schedule.  The project schedule should be monitored and updated regularly. Task status
Approved change requests
Updated project schedule Project Manager Discuss and communicate any changes to the project schedule with the team.  If the changes result in delay, or new risks to the project, notify the project sponsor and stakeholders as early as possible.
Monitor and manage risks and issues An initial list of risks and management approaches are identified in the project charter. The project manager must monitor the risk list, identify any that have become issues, and implement the contingency plan identified in the project charter.
Project charter (risks section) Implemented contingency plan Project Manager A risk register and issue log templates are available. Use the Risk Toolkit to assist in identifying new risks and managing risks.