University of Illinois System

About AITS

Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) delivers enterprise-wide information technology solutions and services in support of the administrative processes across the University of Illinois system and System Office.

The primary responsibilities of AITS include:

  • Support and maintenance of enterprise systems including the university’s ERP and associated systems in finance, student, HR, research administration and Identity and Access Management
  • Implementation and support of in-house developed and vended software solutions
  • Integration of systems throughout the university through API’s and web services
  • Data warehousing, reporting, visualization and data management of University enterprise data assets
  • Business process mapping and improvement including the automation of business processes through workflows and robotics
  • Technical and business support of enterprise systems in the university community including a 24X7 Service Desk
  • Partnering with other university IT organizations to optimize and enhance systems and services across the university IT ecosystem

Contact Information

Main Office
50 Gerty Drive M/C 673
Champaign, IL 61820-7405
(217) 244-0102

Service Desk
UIC: (312) 996-4806
UIS and UIUC: (217) 333-3102

AITS Service Desk

AITS Leadership

Kelly Block

Senior Associate Vice President & CIO for Administrative Information Technology Services

Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) delivers enterprise-wide IT solutions and services in support of the mission critical functions of the University of Illinois. We support student services and financial aid, human resources and payroll, facilities, advancement, research administration, and finance for over 100,000 students, staff and faculty.

Profile of Kelly Block

Nyle Bolliger

Associate Vice President & Chief Technology Officer for Information Technology Services & Operations

As Associate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Nyle is responsible for overseeing and setting the strategic direction of the enterprise IT infrastructure and services for the university system. This includes the operations of the systems including the ERP system, data warehouse, infrastructure, security, service desk, technical analysts, application development, service desk and enterprise architecture. Nyle joined the university in 2002 as the Technical Lead for the recruiting and admissions systems in Banner as part of the UI Integrate effort. Nyle holds a bachelor’s degree in physics with a minor in mathematics and computer science from Montana State University.

Profile of Nyle Bolliger

AITS Units

Administration and Financial Management (AFM)

Administration and Financial Management (AFM) supports the technical work in AITS by managing AITS’s ongoing business activities, including contracts and acquisitions, purchasing coordination, budget and financial management, physical assets, telecommunications, facilities management, and administrative support.

AFM also oversees an annual activity-based costing (ABC) initiative to provide a more systematic approach to the budget justification process, resulting in an ongoing in-depth financial analysis and better financial transparency. ABC is a costing model that manages costs or expenses by identifying activities used to support services. By identifying the cost of doing business, AITS can better measure and communicate the value of IT.

Jenny Ehrnthaller

Director, Administration and Financial Management

Ehrnthaller profile picture

Application Administration (AA)

Application Administration (AA) provides high quality and reliable information technology systems and services that support the University of Illinois administrative computing, including support of the system-wide ERP system. These services are delivered in concert with campus-based computing organizations and other System Office units to optimize University of Illinois information technology resources. AA provides operational support services to several System Offices as well as to several campus units upon request.

Brian Schoudel

Assistant Vice President, Application Administration

Schoudel profile picture

Application Development and Support (ADS)

Application Development and Support (ADS) is responsible for the development, integration, and quality assurance of more than 65 systems and the management of more than 235 databases. ADS provides technical expertise for AITS managed systems by providing second level service desk support, issue investigation and resolution, analysis and expertise for ESGC projects.

Rod Schaefer

Assistant Vice President, Application Development and Support

Profile picture for Schaefer

Decision Support (DS)

The Decision Support (DS) group can help you transform raw data into actionable insights for your strategic decision-making efforts. DS is responsible for scoping, designing, and delivering solutions to business problems using a combination of enterprise data warehouse and data analytics methodologies. We support the University by managing the data warehouse, providing data access, and supporting staff in the use of data for reporting and dashboards as well as advanced analytics (predictive, text analytics, machine learning, etc.). We also provide education and training on the data and tools we provide, including a reports and analytics consulting service to help you get started with your reports and data analytics solutions.

Dimuthu Tilakaratne

Assistant Vice President, Decision Support

Profile picture for Tilakaratne

Infrastructure, Cloud Architecture and Assurance (ICAA)

The Infrastructure, Cloud Architecture, and Assurance division helps to maintain the technology that supports our daily operations. This group contains five functional areas which are Facilities and Data Center Services, Linux and Networks, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning, Enterprise Systems Assurance, and Cloud Architecture.

Chris Barton

Senior Director, Infrastructure, Cloud Architecture and Assurance

IT Strategy and Planning (ITSP)

IT Strategy and Planning (ITSP) plays a pivotal role in developing, tracking, and aligning technology initiatives with the strategic objectives of the institution. ITSP also works with other university central IT strategists to identify opportunities for collaboration across the system.

Cynthia Cobb

Senior Director, IT Strategy and Planning

Profile picture for Cobb

Portfolio and Process Management Office (PPMO)

The Portfolio and Process Management Office (PPMO) includes Business Process Improvement, the Project Management Office, and Records and Information Management Services.

Business Process Improvement can help units solve problems by facilitating process improvement projects through engagements and process mapping. We offer support & guidance to unit-led initiatives through tools, templates, & advice. We provide comprehensive training on the concepts, tools, and techniques of process improvement.

The Project Management Office (PMO) is a management structure that standardizes the project-related governance processes and facilitates the sharing of resources, methodologies, tools, and techniques while providing guidelines for project management in AITS.

Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) provides a cohesive approach to the effective management of records and information resources throughout the University of Illinois, across all departments and campuses. RIMS helps protect vital University records, reduce legal liability, support the preservation of historic records, promote scholarship and teaching excellence, and improve operational efficiencies.

AJ Lavender

Director, Portfolio and Process Management Office

Profile picture for AJ Lavender

Strategic Human Capital (SHC)

The Strategic Human Capital (SHC) division makes sure AITS is an awesome place to work and that the people side of the business works great. SHC links people to the organization in mutually beneficial ways that support individual’s goals, development, and performance while helping our people reach the strategic objectives established for AITS. SHC is the liaison between System Human Resource Services and AITS regarding staffing and personnel transactions. Some of the ways SHC adds value to the organization include:

  • Employee recognition programs
  • Employee engagement measurement and initiatives
  • Employee appreciation activities
  • Strategic workforce planning
  • Professional development planning and management
  • Assisting with social activities and fun at work

Angela Midkiff

Experience Manager, Strategic Human Capital

Profile picture for Midkiff

Technical Application Management (TAM)

Technical Application Management (TAM) is responsible for the maintenance and support of the University of Illinois enterprise systems and applications.

TAM provides access to these systems, first and second level service desk support, issue investigation and resolution, analysis and expertise for work requests and ESGC projects, and assistance to university clients on a regular basis to ensure we are providing exceptional customer service.

TAM works closely with the campus business offices such as Financial Aid; Admissions, Registration, and Records; Human Resources; Sponsored Research; and campus computing services such as the Technology Solutions and Technology Services. TAM also works closely with University Administrative offices such as System Human Resource Services, University Payroll and Benefits, University Payables, and Capital Programs.

Stephanie Dable

Assistant Vice President, Technical Application Management

Profile picture for Dable