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Practical Guidance and Templates

As more topics and issues are addressed in the RIMS office, more resources will be added to this page.  If you can't find a resource that answers your questions please feel free to contact the RIMS team.

What is Records Management?

Learn general information about the concepts of records and information management (RIM) as well as information specific to RIM at the University. Browse FAQs and a records management glossary here as well.

Scanning Records

Access practical guidance on when to scan records, what equipment and standards to use, as well as advice on documenting the process.

Scanning vs Storage

Access practical guidance on the cost differences between scanning and storage.

Email Management

Discover practical tips to reduce your email volume, increase responsiveness, and automate your workflow.

Working Remotely With Records

Keep these records management and security tips in mind while setting up your remote work environment.


Records Storage and Moving

Discover the two primary storage options for inactive records that are not yet eligible for disposal, as well as guidance on how to store records and plan for moves across campus.

Transfer Records to Archives

When the requirement for retention indicates records should be transferred to the University Archives, departments will need to follow the procedures established by the Archives to complete the transfer process.

Disposal of Records

This process outlines the steps to follow in order to dispose of University Records, including obtaining permission from the State through the RIMS office.


Organizing Physical Records for Storage

Access guidance on how to prepare physical records for long-term storage.


Information Technology (IT) Data Management Plan

This Information Technology (IT) Data Management Plan provides a set of retention recommendations for IT service management objects and has been developed in consultation with a broad set of subject matter experts. This document will specifically help any IT staff who work in technology offices across the University of Illinois System


Forms and Tools

Disposal Process Flowchart

Review the comprehensive process for records destruction or transfer to University Archives.

Volume Estimation Guide

Identify standard measurements for common storage formats and estimate their volume.

Documenting a Record Scanning Process

Use this template for reporting basic information about any standard scanning procedure used by your office as part of a business process. Fill it out and return it to

RIMS Inventory Template

Use this template when requesting the storage or disposal of records, to provide information about the types and quantities of your office's records. Fill it out and return it to

Records and Administrative Data Management Plan Template

Use this template to document general information about your department and its basic business functions as well as the types of records and systems that are created and used to support the work of the department.

Storage Solutions Summary Chart - Quick Reference Guide

A quick guide for understanding document and records storage options and responsibilities.

Departmental HR Files Processing Flowchart

Assists departments processing HR files to determine the retention periods for the documents contained in these files.

File-Naming Standards

Assists in establishing file-naming standards for your unit's electronic documents.

Folder Structure

Assists in establishing folder structure standards for your unit's files.

Guide to a Basic RADMan Plan

This guide assists with creating a basic Records and Administrative Data Management Plan's files



Below are self-paced training modules on the basics of records management. The RIMS team is happy to train your unit on various aspects of records management. If you would like us to lead a training session for your unit during a staff meeting or other agreeable time, please contact the RIMS team.

Training Modules: Records Management 101

Welcome to Records Management 101 for University of Illinois employees! The Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) office has created four modules to help introduce you to the basic concepts of records management and your responsibilities as a University of Illinois employee.

Closed captioning is available or you can download a full transcript of any of the modules below. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact the Records and Information Management Services office at

Module 1: What is a record?

Module One focuses on defining what qualifies as a record for University employees and some other basic concepts like the lifecycle of a record and some common examples of records.

(Module 1 Transcript)

Module 2: Retention

Module Two introduces record retention periods and unit-specific records plans. If you have not already watched Module One of this course, you might want to go back to it for some of the basic concepts of records management.

(Module 2 Transcript)

Module 3: Records Filing Systems & Storage 

Module Three focuses on how to build filing systems, common naming conventions, and storage options available to University of Illinois units and departments.

(Module 3 Transcript)

Module 4: Disposal or Transfer of Records

Module Four covers how to transfer records to the University Archives and how to dispose of records that have met their retention. This module also addresses special requirements for disposing of records with sensitive information.

(Module 4 Transcript)

Records Management How-To:

These training resources are designed to be short walkthroughs of Records and Information Management Services common processes and problems. Whether it is your first time learning, or just a reminder, RIMS has you covered with this video series.

Records and Information Management How-To: Reading a Retention Schedule

This How-To video instructs users on the parts of a Records Retention Schedule as they are displayed on the RIMS website.



Records and Information Management How-To: Requesting Permission to Dispose of Records

This How-To video covers the process for requesting disposal once you know your records have meant retention. This video focuses on how to fill out the Inventory Template.



Records and Information Management How-To: Records Storage

This How-To video covers the three categories of storage that can help your office organize your records.




Records and Information Management How-To: Records and Administrative Data Management Plan

This How-To video covers the basic parts of a Records and Administrative Data Management Plan.


Managing Email for University Employees

Email Management: Building a Workflow

Learn about building a workflow that helps you better manage your email and time. Are you struggling with email overload? Try some of these strategies today!

(EM: Building a Workflow Transcript)

Dealing With The Monstrous Menace of Email!

A short presentation to give guidance to University employees on how to better manage their University email accounts.

(Managing Email Transcript)