University of Illinois System
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Medical Center Records (UIC) Retention Schedule


The information contained on this schedule is the minimum State-required retention period for each specific category. This does NOT authorize disposal action. State approval is expressly required prior to each disposal of records, regardless of format or volume, unless the documents are specifically categorized as non-records. Contact the RIMS office to initiate a records disposal or for the State approved retention period of any items not listed below.


No record should be held for more than one (1) year beyond its listed mandatory minimum retention period. If further retention is needed and there is a documented business need, please contact RIMS for a variance. However, if your records are subject to a legal hold or pending legal action, you will need to follow the retention recommended by legal counsel. RIMS should be notified of any decisions to keep records past their minimum retention.

Upon completion of the retention period for medical center records they will either be deleteddestroyed, or transferred to the University Archives of the appropriate campus. Before the retention period expires, please follow the records storage guidelines. For questions or more clarification about the correct process for these actions, please contact the RIMS office.

The categories of Medical Center Records are:


Patient Medical Records

Patient Medical Records include documents relevant to each service a patient receives, containing sufficient information to identify the patient, support the diagnosis, justify the treatment, document the course of treatment and results, and promote continuity of care among health care providers.

Examples of Patient Medical Records include, but are not limited to: diagnoses, doctor notes, intake forms, lab results, reports of services received, tests, and treatments.

Retain for 25 years past the date of service, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • All patient medical records.


Birth Certificate Worksheets

Birth Certificate Worksheets consists of information used to create birth certificates such as legal name of the child to appear on the birth certificate and information on the mother and father.

To be considered for permanent retention, see RIMS for guidance:

  • All Birth Certificate Worksheets


Immunization and Vaccine Records

Immunization and Vaccine Records are a record of each patient's history of receiving immunizations and vaccines at the University of Illinois Medical Center.

To be considered for permanent retention, see RIMS for guidance:

  • All Immunization and Vaccine Records


Patient Master Index File

Patient Master Index File consists of a chronological log per patient of each service provided.

To be considered for permanent retention, see RIMS for guidance:

  • All Patient Master Index Files


Fetal Monitoring Records

Fetal Monitoring Records consist of the record of activity of a fetus immediately prior to birth.

Retain for 25 years from the date of birth, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • All Fetal Monitoring Records


Blood Bank Donor/Recipient Records

Blood Bank Donor/Recipient Records include documents that record names of persons or entities who donate blood, receive blood, or are unable to donate blood for various reasons.

Retain for 10 years from date of service, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Lists of persons or entities donating blood
  • Lists of persons or entities receiving blood.

Retain for 75 years from date of attempted donation, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Lists of persons permanently deferred from donating.


Blood Bank Training and Qualification Records

Blood Bank Training and Qualification Records consist of documentation indicating that employees have successfully completed the necessary training.

Examples of Blood Bank Training and Qualification Records include, but are not limited to: employee qualification records, employee training records, and blood born pathogens training required by OSHA.

Retain for 5 years past the date of training, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • All blood bank training and qualification records.


Blood Bank Control Records

Blood Bank Control Records consist of documentation indicating blood bank compliance with common safety and protocol policies for managing a blood bank.

Examples of Blood Bank Control Records include, but are not limited to: centrifuge calibration records, equipment checks and audits, as well as preventative maintenance records.

Retain for 10 years past date of calibration, performance check, or maintenance, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Blood bank control records.


Imaging Services Records

Imaging Services Records include results from radiology and cardiology procedures and tests.

Examples of Imaging Services Records include, but are not limited to: EKG tracings, EEG tracings, EMG tracings, films, pictures, radiopharmaceutical tests, scans, slides, tapes, and test results.

Retain for 10 years past the date of service or procedure, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Imaging Services records related to Mammograms.

Retain for 5 years past the date of service, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • All other Imaging Services Records.


Laboratory Records

Laboratory Records consist of laboratory procedures and documentation related to tests conducted on patient specimens.

Examples of Laboratory Records in this category include, but are not limited to: cytology slides, histopathology slides, lab test requisitions, laboratory procedures, laboratory quality control documents, laboratory reports, pathology logs,  records of blood draws, and specimen records.

Retain for 5 years past the date of service, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Lab Test Requisitions
  • Non-clinical lab studies records
  • Specimen records.

Retain for 10 years past the date of service, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • All other Laboratory records.


Pharmacy Records

Pharmacy Records consist of documents relating to dispensing, administering, acquiring, and verifying prescriptions of controlled medicinal substances.

Retain for 3 years past the date of dispensing, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Acquisitions order forms
  • Receipts for dispensing narcotics
  • Records for administering narcotics.

Retain for 5 years past the date of dispensing, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Facsimile copy of a prescription
  • Records of prescriptions dispensed
  • Written memorandum of the oral prescription.

Retain for 5 years past prescription refill verification, then obtain state approval to dispose:

  • Prescription refills
  • Verification log of schedule III and IV controlled substance prescription refills.


Primary Audience

This schedule will specifically help those who work with patient records, such as staff from the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System, University Health Services at UIC, and Health Service at UIS.