University of Illinois System
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Records and Information Management Services


The purpose of the Records and Information Management Services (RIMS) office is to provide a cohesive approach to the effective management of records and information resources throughout the University of Illinois, across all departments and campuses.

This approach requires close coordination with other units as well as individuals with departmental and technical expertise. An effective program will help protect vital University records, reduce legal liability, support the preservation of historic records, promote scholarship and teaching excellence, and improve operational efficiencies.

New to records management? Check out our training page. You can also check out our KnowledgeBase articles for further reading on "What is a Record?" and other FAQs.

For a full list of services offered, please refer to the Services section on our About RIMS page.

Quick Links:


Policy and Recommendations

Familiarize yourself with important information policies and recommendations for scanning records or planning a move.


Records Retention

How long must you keep your records and what should you do with them if you are no longer required to keep them?


Practical Guidance, Templates, and Training

View forms, tools, and other resources that can assist you with your records and information management. Browse training that RIMS offers and view training modules. Also, learn about how you can become a Records Liaison.


Subscribe to our Newsletter!

RIMS publishes a brief newsletter twice per academic year, at the start of the Fall and Spring semesters. If you'd like to sign up to receive the newsletter and other RIMS-related information, we encourage you to subscribe. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out our most recent Spring 2025 newsletter!


Contact RIMS!

Ready to start getting a handle on your department's records? Just have a few questions? Records and Information Management Services is here to help. Contact us today.

Contact Us