University of Illinois System
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Banner and Banner Related Systems

AITS supports the Ellucian Banner Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This system includes Student Administration, Student Financial Aid, Human Resources / Payroll and Finance modules, along with associated purchased applications - locally developed components or custom vendor- developed components. This is a partial list of these systems classified into one of the two following categories:

  • Banner Partner Systems: Systems developed by Banner Partners that are maintained and hosted by AITS
  • Banner Bolt-Ons: AITS-developed applications that enhance or extend Banner functionality

Please note that these systems are likely to be impacted by a Banner outage.

System Name Description
Ad Astra Ad Astra is the chosen solution for the purposes of room scheduling and events management. This software is used for all three campuses and interfaces directly to the Banner database.
Adjustment Notification Application (ANA) Adjustment Notification Application (ANA) is a web-based application used by departments to initiate requests for payroll adjustments that cannot be processed with the Banner Adjustment Processing form. ANA queries Banner for employee and pay history information. It is used for initiating overpayment adjustments, current pay period time corrections, pay stops, leave balance updates for civil service employees, employee award payments and taxable benefit payments.
ALAS (Allocations and Assessments) This bolt-on application consists of web data entry support for recording criteria and calculation rules and rates for indirect cost assessments as well as allocations. The batch application selects appropriate expense transactions from the Banner operating ledger, calculates assessment amounts, and creates journal voucher transactions.
Attribute Maintenance Attributes are used to identify populations of students for use in operational processes such as registration time ticketing. Examples of groups identified by attributes are athletes, band members, students in certain university housing communities, etc. This AITS modification provides the capability to update attributes within Banner using either a web or a batch interface. It also provides reports on student attributes assigned via the batch or web process.
AXIOM/AnyDocs AXIOM/AnyDocs provides a set of tools to enable scanning and indexing. It includes the following: OCR for AnyDocs, a Windows Desktop scanning station; VerifyIt Client, a tool used to verify the scanned documents as well index batches of scanned documents for Student Registration and Financial Aid; plus Job Manager, a tool used to manage work flow of documents and batches of documents for Student Registration and Financial Aid
Banner Banner is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software geared towards higher education markets. Banner provides complete solutions for Student, HR/Payroll, Finance, and Financial Aid data processing. Data for each of these modules is stored in a single database reducing data redundancy and increasing system interoperability.
Banner Self-Service (Web For) The component of Banner that allows end users to directly access data and perform functions via the web. It provides services for faculty, staff, and students.
Banner Xtender (BXS) Banner Xtender Solutions (BXS) is a bolt-on document management and imaging application specifically developed to work with Banner. Documents can be scanned, indexed, and attached to the appropriate Banner record utilizing the BXS software and Banner forms. These stored documents can then be instantly retrieved, printed, and emailed at any time via the BXS system. In this way information such as the status of a financial aid packet, clarification of a purchase order or details of an invoice can be easily accessed and provided to customers. Also known as WebXtender, Documentum EMC2, or Legato. This tool is used to view ALL Xtender Application documents.
Benefits Pended Self-service applications may pend transactions that need supporting documentation or investigation. This web-based application allows HR to validate the pended transactions and feed them to Banner or reject them.
Campus Recreation Deduction Application This web-based application allows payroll deduction and management of Campus Recreation membership fees.
Charities Deduction Application The web-based application creates Campus Charity deductions for employees in Banner.
Clean Address Clean Address provides standard functionality for verifying addresses, standardizing to postal regulations (CASS™/SERP™), correcting street misspellings, identifying undeliverable addresses with error codes, and correcting cities, states, and postal codes.
Collections Deduction Application This web-based application allows student financial services staff members the ability to add a new MUA (receivable) deduction, change the amount or terminate the deduction for university employees.
Cross FOAPAL Cross FOAPAL is a web based system that allows the users in the UAFR office to create and edit the cross foapal rules. The rules show the valid combinations or invalid combinations of CFOAPAL values. These values are then used in the CXFOAP application to validate the FOAPAL values that are entered on Finance transactions within the Banner system.
DARWin DARWin is used to produce audit reports of student progress toward a degree and is used by colleges to determine if students have met their degree requirements. It also supports evaluation of transfer credits for incoming students.
Employee/Jobs Mass Change The Employee/Jobs Mass Changes Web Application provides for mass changes to employee and job information required by the University and not supplied by Banner functionality.
Enrollment Withdrawal Frontend This is a program accessible from the Student Self Service system that allows students to declare they are withdrawing from the university.
Evisions FormFusion FormFusion is an application that has fundamentally transformed the Banner® data look, content, and flow. Taking the output directly from Banner or custom program output, distribute the output with different presentation to the printer, e-mail or web.
Expected Graduate Date Calculation This modification includes online forms to maintain the rules to be used in the calculation of a student's expected graduation term. It also has a batch process and lookup tables to load initial values into the Banner General Student table (SGBSTDN) for expected graduation date, expected graduation term and the academic year of the expected graduation term. It provides a report on expected graduation dates as established in the last batch execution.
FABweb FABweb is a Web-based interface to Banner Fixed Assets used by University departments to:
  • Complete a new acquisition record
  • Create a new non-cash addition record
  • Update an existing asset record
FABweb lets the departments take a more active role in equipment record maintenance. The information you enter into FABweb is forwarded to University Property Accounting and Reporting (UPAR), who reviews the information and submits it for upload to the Banner Fixed Assets database..
FAMIS FAMIS Capital Projects assists the owners in the planning process to set priorities, develop project estimates and schedules, and track the expenditures of a project in real-time. FAMIS Capital Projects is a robust financial management application, built on an Oracle platform. To ensure ease-of-use for regular and occasional users alike, the University Office for Facilities Planning and Programs has built a web-based interface to FAMIS Capital Projects, as a type of “skin” over the application. This interface is called FCPWeb, for FAMIS Capital Projects Web. Most users will only need to use FCPWeb.
FOAPAL Frontend This system validates account numbers and transactions prior to payroll processing to ensure FOAPAL segments are valid.
Fringe Benefit Assessment This bolt-on application redirects fringe benefit general ledger transactions created by payroll to a different fund for those funds that are not assessed fringe benefit charges. Each Banner fund has fringe benefit attributes that indicate whether the fund will be assessed.
Fringe Benefit Encumbrance Fringe Benefit Assessment is a Banner bolt-on to calculate and process encumbrances on fringe benefits.
Gray Book The GrayBookApplication generates the Gray Book Report which is used by the Board of Trustees during the annual budget planning process.
HR Pay Adjustment Authorization This application provides an interface for appropriate designation of workflow department approvers. Banner Workflow then reads the authorization table to determine the proper department approver to route the workflow.
HR Pay Mass Change Mass salary group update process for positions and p-classes. The batch process can be ran in audit mode for validation prior to updating the Banner database.
HR Front End Customized front end for Banner HR application.
iBuy iBuy - An online marketplace for purchasing goods and services at the University of Illinois, iBuy combines the use of Internet technology with procurement best practices to simplify the purchasing process and reduce costs.
UI-Pay UI-Pay is a web based system accessed from Banner Web Self Service for Students pages. It provides access to students to review their electronic bill, make an online payment and enroll in direct deposit.
Intellecheck Intellecheck enables Banner payment processing. Intellecheck allows Banner output for AP, Payroll, Student Refund checks and Direct Deposit Advices.
Involuntary Deduction This application tracks involuntary deductions/garnishments for employees as dictated by the state, courts, etc. The deductions are applied according to priority algorithms developed by payroll. The applications allows entry/maintenance of deductions, interfaces with State Disbursement units, calculates deductions according to algorithms, and applies the calculated deduction to Banner. Reports on any errors from Involuntary Deductions.
MAP Calculation Application This application calculates the State of Illinois Monetary Assistance Program (MAP) awards for eligible students.
MediEase MediEase Immunization Tracking Software enables calculation and tracking different immunization requirements for diverse patient populations.
Nessie NESSIE is a Net-driven Employee Self-Service and Information Environment that enables University employees to view employment related information, such as benefits, policies, and training opportunities. Employees may also conduct personnel transactions online via secured self-service applications.
Parking Deduction Application This web-based application creates Parking deductions for employees in Banner.
Payroll Accruals Banner Finance application to create accrual entries for Payroll charges because the pay periods do not line up with calendar periods.
P-Card The PCard or procurement card system is the web based system to handle the university’s PCard transactions
Pending Degree List This allows students to indicate that they expect to receive a degree at the completion of a term. The entries are reviewed and validated by either the college office or OAR before being loaded into Banner via a batch update process. It includes reports on pending degree information assigned via the batch and web processes.
PPAA Professional Programs Admissions Application is a messaging interface for UIC's professional program applications
Reporting Database This is a reporting database used for creating standard operational reports and some ad-hoc usage. The database is cloned nightly from the Banner production database. Additional indexes, views, summary tables and user security are added as well.
Retro Pay The retro-pay application is an AITS developed java web application that displays the results of a retro pay calculation as well as some other payroll history information needed for review by campus HR. The application will allow the client to enter the selection criteria for employees in order to query pay history affected by a negotiated union contract. The selection criteria will be used by the application to select data from REPTPROD. The web application will allow the data selected from REPTPROD to be viewed and modified though the web application in order to prepare records for the existing in-house developed mass retro pay process.
RightFax RightFax is a comprehensive network fax solution for creating, sending, receiving, and managing faxes directly from a user's desktop computer. RightFax features and intuitive design make faxing as easy as printing to a network printer. A user can enhance the fax by adding a cover page, overlaying a form, attaching documents, and inserting graphics from a network file directory. The system is used in conjunction with the banner Finance module.
SACS (State Appropriation Control System) This is a Banner Finance bolt-on to recategorize and report information back to the State of Illinois on state appropriation funds.
Salary Planner Salary Planner is a web self-service application from Ellucian which allows units to enter annual salary increase information into Banner.
SciQuests Higher Markets Eprocurement SciQuest is our eProcurement service provider. AITS maintains and supports the interface between their software and Banner.
SSA (Self Service Application) This is a web front end that allows HRIS to update self-service configuration tables.
State Offset State Offset is an Access database to track and process the additions, changes, and deletion of accounts for State Offset. It creates the required files, letters, and reports, and processes the Match Tape returned from the state. It consolidates the files from Chicago, Springfield and Champaign into a single file and submits it to the state. It creates the required signature letters and labels to accompany the file, and creates the required header and trailer records. It records the key data fields created by the state and required to be included in the records submitted. There is an interface file from Banner that includes the data.
State Rule Banner Finance Bolt-on to change rule as on specific kinds of state transactions.
State Salary Encumbrance The UI's unique funding with the State of Illinois for 9/12 employees requires us to encumber 9/12 salaries through June 15, not the end of the fiscal year. This bolt-on will reduce the amount calculated after the Banner encumbrance process calculates the encumbrance amount and before it is fed to Banner finance.
Test Score Loader A tool that allows the electronic loading of advanced placement test scores into Banner.
Time Ticketing (Student Registration Group Assignment This modification enables OAR to enter rules to assign students to time slots for registration scheduling. It includes a batch process that reads Banner data and assigns group designators to students who are eligible to register based on the rules created by the OARs. It provides registration group information for transactions processed via the Time Ticketing applications.
Tuition Waiver This bolt-on determines whether a student has a tuition waiver and if it is in effect for the current payroll processing period. If so, the Banner account a on the payroll finance transaction will be changed to indicate graduate student salaries subject to tuition remission. Tuition remission costs are charged to sponsored projects by assessment of a rate against the salaries of graduate students with tuition waivers.
Tuition Waiver Eligibility This application reads HR appointments and assesses eligibility for employee tuition waivers. Eligibility as load into Banner Financial Aid to drive waiver calculations.
Undergrad Guaranteed Tuition This process assigns rate as to students who are eligible for the Undergraduate Guaranteed Tuition Program. These rate as are used in the tuition and fee assessment process each term. The process also expires the rate a when a student's eligibility in the program has ended.
Windstar Windstar provides easy to use tools for U.S. tax compliance which assists payers, taxpayers and their advisors with the complex rules and procedures that apply to international payments.
Work Study This application provides an interface from the Payroll portion of Banner to the Financial Aid portion to update work study earnings.
Workflow Banner Workflow is a product that enables Ellucian customers to create workflows. The workflows, in turn, use pieces of functionality from both Ellucian and third-party products. A workflow system automates the process. All the rules about how a work activity needs to be performed would be entered into Banner Workflow. You select your supplies, then fill out an electronic form. The form can be automatically routed to the right person who can perform the next activity without you having to know what that activity is or who needs to do it. If an activity needs to be repeated, or information needs to be corrected, Banner Workflow will let you know so that you—or someone else, if necessary—can take care of it.