University of Illinois System

What is an Application Account?

Application accounts are defined as logons designated for a computer application or group of applications. They are often needed in units where a scheduled application retrieves data via download from the Data Warehouse.  In many cases such as these, multiple technical staff support the application. Use of individual logons in these situations involves sharing personal logon information with others within a department, in violation of University policy.  Application Accounts should be requested for any situation where a group of people will be retrieving data via a single application or point-of-entry.

Please note that an individual within the requesting organization must be designated as the responsible party for an application account, although more than one person can be authorized to use the application account.

Should You Have An Application Account?

If you are creating a data download utility or application that will retrieve data from the Data Warehouse via ODBC, and that will be used by other people in your office, you should probably request an Application Account. 

For more detailed information about Application Accounts, see the " Application Accounts & the Data Warehouse" document.

Are There Security or Data Confidentiality Rules for Application Accounts?

Yes.  The data downloaded by an application carries the same confidentiality requirements as exist in the Data Warehouse.  The person in the department who is responsible for the application account is responsible for ensuring that the downstream data is used consistently with its status.  FERPA guidelines and other University privacy and security rules apply.  For more information about data security and data stewardship requirements, see Report Developer Responsibilities.

How Do I Get An Application Account?

Application accounts are requested via your Unit Security Contact, just as personal accounts are.  When you speak with your Unit Security Contact, be sure to let them know that you would like an Application Account.